University Prep Genius
"Developing the genius in every student!"
SAT and ACT Tutoring
In Person and Online
"Developing the genius in every student!"
Sharon Manassa, Founder
MA in English, University of Florida
AP English Language and Literature Teacher
Dual Enrollment Professor,
St. Thomas University
As an AP English teacher with solid results, I created an engaging and effective method of raising SAT and ACT scores. Students learn test-taking strategies and content expertise, deepening their education. This strong foundation serves them well on test day, in college courses, and on future gateway exams.
Students find it challenging to raise their scores because these tests are complex. They require specialized knowledge, skills, and strategies beyond the reach of traditional curriculums. Additionally, the exams cover a broad scope of material that shifts from test to test. It is critical to have an experienced guide who knows their range and depth. I have analyzed their pathways and learned to navigate them in the simplest ways for students to grasp and master.
In my program, students learn insights on how to succeed, beginning with how to read accurately what the questions are asking. This skill applies to every question in every section. Students then learn how to approach each section, solve by question type, place the answers within the proper context, verify correct answers, and eliminate wrong answers—all within the time limit. With practice, these skills translate into accuracy on test day.
Unfortunately, most students haven't focused on these aspects, which results in lower scores than they are capable of achieving. I created University Prep Genius to bridge this learning gap.
When students learn to distinguish correct answers from incorrect ones, they know they are making progress. This is how my AP students responded after their exams. They claimed the exam was "easy." At first, this worried me, but then the scores came in: 95% passed the exam, and 61% scored in the upper ranges. Instantly, I knew I had to develop a similar approach for the most important tests: the SAT and ACT.
Students come away from the program better educated. They know that every test has a style that must be respected and forms the basis of a proper approach. They gain fundamental reading, thinking, and writing skills, which serve them in every subject and every conversation.
As an educator and parent of a recent college graduate, I understand the value of seeing your child succeed independently. As parents, we can rest assured that we have done our best to prepare our children for life. And what is more, we can marvel at the promise our children offer the future.
I invite you to call us today to develop the genius in your son or daughter!
Sharon Manassa
Sharon Manassa